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The georgians attacked all the houses! There was a Hummer, from where the georgian soldiers and georgian snipers shooted at everything, at any stir, after each tank. They shooted at everything: there was no difference between, was it a dog or a human
12 августа 2008
Zhinvall lies in ruins

IA "Rosbalt-south" was given the photos of the destroyed Zhinvall. The author is Alan Jusoev, the leader of the Eurasian Union of Youth in South Ossetia. His colleagues have just returned from the battlefield and gave a press-conference. 

zhinval_1_234"The georgians attacked all the houses! There was a Hummer, from where the georgian soldiers and georgian snipers shooted at everything, at any stir, after each tank. They shooted at everything: there was no difference between, was it a dog or a human being, a child or an old woman"- told us Pavel Zarifullin, the leader of the Eurasian Union of Youth.

"It was obvious, that the operation is thoroughly prepared: the Tanks arrived from the east Europe. Moreover, the representative of the ukrainian detachment of special function was found among the killed georgian soldiers," - noticed Pavel Zarifullin. 

The leader marked that, "the Ossetians bravely stand this awful trial. When the russian tanks came to the ruined capital of South Ossetia, the ossetians wept. The Ossetians wept as the Bulgarians cried, when they met the soviet army. The Russian army saved the ossetians from genocide. The georgians decided to make the ethnical cleansings. Saakashvili planned to destroy the ossetians". 

zhinval_2_234Talking about the georgian soldiers, Zarifullin noticed: "I was really amazed by the georgian soldiers. There is a feeling, that they are from the another opera, from terrible opera. The soldiers cruelly killed the wounded innocent civilians, the georgian's neighbours. The georgians consider theirselfs to be people, but they can't called people." 

Zarifullin marked, that it was very difficult to receive the correct information. "We were in Jhava. There was panic. Every 5 minutes the information was contrary. People were talking about different things. Some people told, that the georgian tanks are very close to Jhava, some people told, that the russian tanks are already in Tbilisi. It was very difficult to understand, what was happening." 


In the Zarifullin's opinion the action of military aggression of Georgia is aimed at kindling the conflict in the Northern Caucasia. "If Russia had delayed a little allotment of its troops - Zarifullin say - the all-over-caucasian conflict would have had broken out" In fact the russian leaders needed great resolution at that time: all the world could approach the edge of Third World War, if NATO soldiers were sent to defend Tbilisi. Bun the russian authorities made their decision". 

"When Russia made one step towards Ossetia, it made indeed 1000 steps for integration of the Caucasus. Could it be earlier that the chechens fight for ossetians? And now it happened so. And this is only the beginning."- Zarifullin marked. 

zhinval_11_234He also said that in the defended so called "georgian enclaves" situated between Zhinvall and Djava, there were no georgian citizens at the moment of the entrance of russian troops and ossetian volunteer corps. There existed only well armed and fortified regions, full of troops, instructors, including mercenaries. 

"Passing through Ossetia I saw people gathering in the squares and saying: "If Russia doesn’t interfere, we'll go to capture russian military bases. We won't let kill our brothers with impunity" And then all the Caucasia would have been one burning area. Blowing up area. 

He also said that in the defended so called "georgian enclaves" situated between Zhinvall and Djava, there were no georgian citizens at the moment of the entrance of russian troops and ossetian volunteer corps. There existed only well armed and fortified regions, full of troops, instructors, including mercenaries.

"When russian soldiers entered the city, ossetian men, people in military form, tough caucasian fellows, were weeping. Perhaps in 1944 the inhabitance of Minsk and Belgrade met in the same way russian warriors, who came to free them from fascist invaders" - Zarifullin added.  

According to the eurasian leader, "the plan of Saakaschwili was a simple one: to make so, that on the territory of Ossetia there rested no ossetians at all"

"Together with my friend, a famous artist Aleksey Beljaev-Gintovt, we made our way through destroyed Zhinvall and had an awful experience of being under mortar bombardment. That cannot ever’ be forgotten! But we don't want to show it as our feat. Many people walks there with a risk to their lives! After the war begun it's normal. The ossetians are very brave! I've never seen such a brave nation! Maybe, only Serbs!"

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