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In memory of all Russian people
12 августа 2008
In memory of all Russian people
Beasts differ from normal people, that when they feel a smell of blood, they are difficult to stopping. And then it is necessary to resort to surgical methods

On August, 13rd in Russia is a day of mourning. President Dmitry Medvedev has signed that decision in memory of all Russian people on peace inhabitants of South Ossetia, peacemakers, citizens of the Russian Federation, victims as a result of an attack of the Georgian armed forces.

"Armed forces of Georgia from the sanction of its political management on August, 8th, 2008 illegally intruded on territory of South Ossetia and, using aircraft, heavy and shooting arms, tried to grasp it, killing innocent people, - it is said in Dmitry Medvedev's decision. - it was a genocide of South-Ossetic people. The city of Tskhinvali and other settlements are practically destroyed."

The exact number of dead people is not known yet. Too many corpses are buried in ruins.

The aim of Georgian militarians was not only south-ossetic people, the aim was russian peace-making army located in region too. Russian army have lost 18 person, 52 persons have been wounded. Besides 14 more military men are registered as missing persons. Many journalists have suffered too.

In spite of the assertion of Saakashvili, Georgian army for a long time did not cease fire in the peaceful villages and as before fired our peacemakers. "Beasts differ from normal people, that when they feel a smell of blood, they are difficult to stopping. And then it is necessary to resort to surgical methods", - the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has declared on August, 12th after a meeting with the president of France Nicola Sarkozi.

Russia relies on the proper response of the world community to genocide of South-Ossetic people and to the fact that the President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili, who has given the order to kill peace inhabitants, will be judged a military criminal.


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