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Meeting for closing of radio Echo of Moscow
18 сентября 2008
Meeting for closing of radio "Echo of Moscow"

A big meeting of patriotic organizations devoted to closing of radio station “Echo of Moscow” was held yesterday 16/09/2008  in Moscow at the Triumphal square.

The meeting was opened by Father Superior Cyril Sakharov, the priest of a temple on Bersenevka. He blessed the action and read a pray about defenders of motherland.

The Leader of Eurasian Union Helena Kompaniets.

The Euroasian union of youth has addressed to the Russian government with a strong requirement to close the broadcasting of this organization because it inherently carries out treasonable propaganda.

Eurasians declare, that activity of this radio station can be qualified as parricide in conditions of war, at force major.

The “Echo of Moscow” should be closed!

Venedictov, go home!!!

Leader of  Eurasian Union Pavel Zarifullin, during the fatal moment of history of our native land, was in the epicenter of war in South Ossetia. He has seen what was happening there with his own eyes. Having returned to Moscow and having heard, the broadcasting of “Echo” he felt deep indignation and shame before our ossetian  brothers who  even in a terrible dream could not hear what  that moscovits hear on this  radio. Article 275 of Criminal Code called “ Parricide” can be  entirely applied   to  the staff of Echo of Moscow.

War has not ended - Russia is in a stage of opposition with the Western world.

The leader of Orthodox gonfalon bearers Leonid Simonovich-Nikshich, addressed to the people “ On August, 8th a new history has begun and the events in this history will pass under new laws of world war. At the beginning this war will not be nuclear it will be conducted in the form of conflicts of small intensity. And it will be not only war of armed people, but also informative war. Radio station “echo of Moscow”  and its activity – this  is a real informatiic diversion in our own territory, in the center of Moscow.

Eurasians consider, that a part of  fault  for a genocide of  the ossetins  in Tshinval  that  Georgian militants  have arranged, lays on the mass-media who tried to beautify  the  image of aggressor.

Having given the air time to military leaders of opposition who had  organized a mass genocide of the Russian citizens, the journalists of “The Echo of Moscow”  supported the Georgian military criminals and their transatlantic patrons.

 The head of press-service Alexander Bovdunov.

Father Cyril.

The Meeting has brought together two hundred of participants at initially declared hundred.

The head Moscow ЕUY Paul Kanishchev.

Alexander Bovdunov.

Albac go  to USA!!!

Everyone will be punished!!

Yes! Death!

To torture and to hang up! To hung up and to torture!

Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Helena Kompaniets.

Pavel Kanishev.

Pavel Zarifullin.

The active worker of EUY Moscow Peter Gorbunov.

Pavel Zarifullin.

Pavel Kanishev.

Active worker of EUY Vladimir Dmitrenko.

Stylist of  EUY Alexey Belyaev-Gintovt.

The editor of a portal Eurasia Ilya Dmitriev.

The editor of a news line of a portal Eurasia Vladimir Nikitin.

Article  275. High treason.

Active worker of EUY Sergey Dyorin.

Article  282. Stimulation of national, racial or religious hostility.

Father Cyril.

Helena Kompaniets and Alexander Bovdunov.

Ilya Dmitriev.

Article  336. The insult of the military man.

Alexey Belyaev-Gintovt.


Gentle times.

Alexey Belyaev-Gintovt.


Alexey Belyaev-Gintovt.

The great Georgian.

The editor of a news line of Eurasia TV Tatiana Titova.

Pavel Kanishev  and policeman.

Pavel Zarifullin.



To you, who live their live in orgy,

To you who have a bathroom and warm closet!

To you who know the heroes only from newspaper’s, Georgy

To you, who are talentless, and do not reflect !

You don’t even think that maybe one soldier

Is fighting and battling and bleeding to death

And when he all covered with wounds, on his slaughter,

Sees suddenly you, as you smeared the cutlet

Singing Severyanin and lustfuly clothed

I tell you my life will be never devoted

To you,..whose only values are women and jar

I better serve pineapple water

To bitches …in the bar!

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Сетевая ставка Евразийского Союза Молодёжи: Россия-3, г. Москва, 125375, Тверская улица, дом 7, подъезд 4, офис 605
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