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The conservator's balance
7 августа 2008
The conservator's balance
Putins' eight-year term: what exactly did he want to make?

1. Was our support of Putin justified?

The Putin's formal presidency is over. Along with the reconsideration of what exactly has been finished, the time has come to evaluate the extend to which the support of Putin by national-patriotic forces has been justified. Especially the support given by our Eurasian movement. Even though such evaluation has no influence now, the main questions here are: could or could he not make it? what exactly did he want to make? have our hopes been justified? and what was it actually?

2. Hercules' feats

As far as I am concerned in my article "On 12 Hercules' feats" published in the beginning of Putin's rule, Putin analogically to Hercules's twelve has made six fundamental feats such as:

1) stopped the decomposing of Russia by pressing down the Caucases;2) strengthened the governmental vertical and Russian territorial completeness;3) stopped blindly following the USA (west);4) changed the liberally westernized russofobic direction (from openly attacking the past from every corner to Internet blogs and a radio station);5) chased away the oligarchs, who were willing to control the politics, thus nationalizing the main resource monopolies;6) started to strengthen the position of Russia inside the post-Soviet world by supporting various organisations.

These feats opposed the Eltsin's program from the very beginning of Putin's rule, throughout which they only have been developed and strengthened. That's why Putin was supported by the majority of Russian population as much as by the conservative patriotic circles around it.

3. Geopolitical fractions on September 11th, 2001

September 11th, 2001 was a critical moment, when Putin by supporting Washington's grief has let the Americans intrude into Afganistan, thus letting them base in Central Asia. On the other hand the declination of several Russian military bases and NATO's widening to the east have made the further proamericanizm impossible.

Putin has ruled correctly In case of careful evaluation of Putin's six feats all along the eight years, it is possible to justify the support of Putin. Espesially, because he from the very beginning was self-arbitrarinessly free due to generally authoritative type of Russian politics. His predecessors Eltsin and Gorbachev have been openly destroying Russia without any consequences: one has quietly died in his bed, the other is still advertising pizza and Vuitton. Putin was first imposed on us but later he started to do real things for his people. Thus, following the logic of six feats, Putin has ruled correctly, and that's why we have been supporting him.

4. The feat on which Putin has tripped

Now the idyll stops. In an article I have written before I've described the other six feats in store for Putin. The main one was the seventh, which was about logically finishing the first six. Unfortunately, he has failed in this one. And this means, that at any time all that Putin has done may be cancelled or turned backwards. Without finishing what he has started, Putin leaves his presidency in the uncertainty for the country. Putin's Plan is a very messed up and a weird thing by itself. It's just a "don't worry, be happy" klische. And his successor, as the history shows, may also do whatever he wants. Now it's the time to logically decide whether or not further to support him and to create a plan for the future. So what kind of a country does Putin leave to his successor?

5. Russia over abyss

During Eltsin Russia was falling down fast into the abyss. Putin with difficulties has stopped this falling right on the edge of that abyss, where he actually leaves Russia. The time has stopped so that it's unclear whether Russia is making the next step towards the falling, which may happen without any awareness, or not. Medvedev calls this "stability" but this is just a pause. What is the fragility of the situation? - the lack of the national ideology and the clear strategy;- larceny as the national idea; - the lack of the economy; - the lack of social politics; - the split of elites; - the weakness of Russia inside the international politics;

6. Liberal critics are behind the brackets

All the mentioned above points depict the critical judgement of a patriotic conservator, while the liberal westerners' remarks will be different (in some cases however similar). We consider their classical liberal critics to the contrary the advantages and achievements of Putin's rule, which has demolished "the damned 90s". But even without those liberal arguments the picture we have here is pretty dark. It gives the radical verdict to those who seriously think that "it's OK" and intend to keep the situation this way. Of course it could have been worse, but viewing the current situation as successful is a critical approach to the end.

7. The doomed successor

Now Medvedev. Frankly speaking nobody knows who he actually is. Maybe he doesn't know it himself. He was chosen by people enjoined by Putin, who could have enjoined whatever he wanted. Then Putin gives to Medvedev a country over the abyss, and he will soon have to face the reality check. As the supporter of the "status quo" he does not suit to rule the state nowadays, and nothing in him foretells us any good. It looks like he doesn't see the seriousness of the situation. Will he be able to commit the seventh feat? And does Putin himself realize the sharpness of the crisis? Who is Mr. Putin?.. Just like 8 years ago. The true spy should never be disclosed.

8. Denouncing the agreements and new conservator's course

The described above uncertainty makes the conservative-patriotic force reconsider its' views. There is no more six-feat Putin, and nothing is clear. Medvedev and even Putin start all over again. They are free to act with good and with evil intentions towards the Russian interests. But the population is also free from any obligations to Putin. People has voted for "old merits" the last time. Besides that, the conservator patriots are free from obligations to Putin too. With other candidates we could have continued our alliance. But with Medvedev Putin is challenging all the patriotically and socially oriented people and us. The trust is gone and the people are left to wait. And because the waiting for the majority is impossible, we have to seriously create OUR plan. The plan on how to realise the rest of the 12 Heracules feats without and maybe even in spite of Putin (because he has fatally tripped on the 7th one). Let Medvedev make up his political philosophy's mind and be judged by his choices. It is clear that the start should be from the very beginning, but it is a typical Russian custom, so we shouldn't be afraid. There is nothing more unclear then the "stability", so we can't exclude any kind of a scenario. If Russia, our people and our sacred history demands it, we should be ready for the revolution. For the Conservative Revolution, of course.


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