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The end of compromises - tanks to Tbilisi!
9 августа 2008
The end of compromises - tanks to Tbilisi!
Nowadays this is a situation: Russia either exists and becomes stronger or turns out to be a mirage

Putin’s eight-year term has finished at the 7th of August, in the moment of massive attack of the Georgians to Tskhinval. Putin made Russia sovereignty, which was lost in Gorbachev-Eltsin’s period. But he avoided armed conflict with USA and theirs marionettes on the post-soviet area. And Medvedev was elevated in case of this compromise in order to provoke Washington with the third term.

Until recently (July 2008) USA was playing in cat-and-mouse with Moscow. They tried to put furtively different projects of intensity-taking down and pragmatic search of general intent as cover-up. At 7-th August has coming the turning-point. Putin and Medvedev must give the clear answer: are-they for sovereign Russia or they are for saving relationships with USA?

The Americans delivered an ultimatum had ordering the Georgians to attack Tskhinval. Postponement's time of the most unpleasant and difficult decision is up. A watch keeps war, maybe, World War III. 

At noon, the 8th of August, Moscow has not made a decision yet. Our authorities procrastinate to the last, don't believe, that it is true but not a dream. But this impossible to avoid the choice any longer; otherwise someone else will do it.

So, what is the choice, and what kind of positions are exist, between which Putin (and Medvedev) must decide.

The choice of treason

If Russia will decide not to enter the conflict (it's a position of pro-american effect's agents at the upper levels of power) and content herself with weeping and protests apropos of disgraceful things, which the Georgians do, and humanitarian catastrophe - that will be a choice, fatal choice. It will mean, that Russia gives up her sovereignty.

In fact, this kind of position is as good as to consider Putin's eight-year term like a bluff and idle PR. Russia will return to 90s - late 80s in a moment. Russian and outside observes will realize at once, that Russia is absolutely helpless and it's possible not to take her into consideration. As a result, it's easy to predict the next level of Russia disintegration - beginning with the Caucasus and go on according to plan. Besides our partners in CIS will finally turn away from us because they realize who is a master. Washington will be a master.

Russia loses not only a status of the Great Power but also a status of the regional Power. This choice is equivalent to State coup or “orange” revolution, this time - in Russia. Putin's retiring from the post of prime minister and disintegration of state organization will be the next step in this way.

The choice of faith

What is the alternative? Here it is: declare the independence of South Ossetia (and Abkhazia), and the following step - annex them to Russia; insert 58th Army; give an order to strike all air targets above South Ossetia from the direction of our BMD on the territory of Abkhazia; wage war against Georgia right up to the capture of Tbilisi, and then - dictate our own terms.

As a result, Russia quarrels violently with USA and West Europe. It's a beginning of a long distance blockade and isolation from the direction of USA. At the same time Russia proves not only the status of the regional Power but also the status of the Great Power; Russia proves her possibility to send a challenge to USA and unidirectional world. It means, that Russia returns on the world arena, returns in a history.

On the eve of the War (Russia is at hazard)                      

It's possible to compare today's situation with the 22nd of June. We have been attacked without a declaration of war, even with a “declaration of peace”. It's possible to avoid the war, but only by capitulation to the enemy. South Ossetia is the part of Russia by civilized and political option. If we give away South Ossetia, anyone can take away from us what ever he wants.

It's the same situation like it was in 1991-1993. At that time Russia also was facing a radical choice.

In August 1991 the fate of the USSR was decided. State Committee of Extraordinary Situation has not resisted, the USSR has fallen to pieces, american “marionettes” has come to power.

In 1993 the Government tried to bring Russia back to the sovereign policy. It was obvious, that Eltsin and reformers gave away our country to Americans. Eltsin has shot the Government, and our state has gone on the next level of disintegration - it has developed  into a separatism on the Northern Caucasia (Chechnya, Dagestan, etc.).

In 1999 Putin won back, but he had not made a final decision.

The Russians have made their choice, elite - have not yet

Nowadays this is a situation: Russia either exists and becomes stronger or turns out to be a mirage.

It is not a choice for every responsible Russian - “Tanks to Tbilisi!” - this is a voice of our national history.

Alack! Our elite is still irresponsible. The nets of effect's agents from the West is everywhere in russian authority. Putin has not been doing serious purges. It can adversely effect Russia. So, now we are going to recognize, who is worth anything.


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